
We inherit a name.We inherit history. We inherit success and faith.
We inherit the terroir.We inherit the territory where the sun shines all the time.
We inherit the skill and prowess.We inherit the love, love and emotion of timei.
We inherit the secrets of wine…

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Vasile Vladoianu

Governor of the National Bank of Romania 1901 & Viticulturist

The Cotnari Wine House has its roots in the ancient Romanian times, while the native varieges made rumors among the rulers and competed on the large boyars’ tables. The emblem of the Cotnari Wine House captures Vlădoianu Castle, built in 1901 by Vlădoianu himself, a former BNR governor and distinguished viticultor, as a pure inspiration in the wine story. A story about the craft of winemaking, about success, about pure Romanian wines from COLOCVIU, Cotnari DOMENII and IRIS.

“Taste … and listen to the wine story …”


The Colloquium redefines the purity and noble taste specific to Romanian varieties.
These wines are a true proof of innovation, a living message of harmony between carefully selected grapes
of the best parcels of the Cotnari vineyard and the vision of the oenologist oriented towards modernism,
reflected under Cotnari Wine House.


The Cotnari Domains range conquers you, carrying you unimaginable peaks.
The sun, the water, the wind, the tradition and, last but not least, the courage, create these perfect wines.
It touches the heights of success by opening the vision to a new world.

Be free, redefine your spirit, listen to your heart …


Oenolog House of Wines Cotnari

The surface exploited by Cotnari Wine House is composed of Fetească Neagră – 100 ha, Busuioacă – 75 ha, Tămâioasă Românească – 75 ha, Grasă de Cotnari – 50 ha and Fetească Albă – 50 ha. Being a premium producer of quality grapes, Cotnari Wine Plantations have been set up with state-of-the-art technology, aiming at a low plant density (3646 plants per hectare), a great distance between rows, (3 meters) which allows for efficient air circulation and modern works. The vineyard works are carried out so that the amount of grapes harvested per hectare does not exceed 6 tons (Grass of Cotnari, Tămâioasă Românească, Fetească Albă, Busuioacă) and 5 tons (Fetească Neagră) with a minimum of 230 grams of sugar.


8 reasons to love Romanian wine!

Wine, a century of story

The emblem of the Cotnari Wine House captures the Vlădoianu Castle, built in 1901 by Vlădoianu himself, a former governor of the National Bank of Romania and a distinguished viticulturist.

Only with native varieties

We are the only producer in Romania that produces quality wines only from native varieties, Grasă de Cotnari, Tămâioasă Românească, Busuioacă, Fetească Albă and Neagră.

Wine, appreciated all over the world!

From 2011 until today, Cotnari Wine House brings joy and smiles to wine lovers, winning over 100 medals and awards at national and international competitions!

Revive the #PurelyRomanian Spirit!

We revive the story of the Romanian wine that was born at the initiative of the second generation of Cotnari!

The first Busuioaca dry vinified

An oenological revelation and a glimpse into the new world made the Busuioaca de Bohotin to raise the admiration of wine lovers. Dry vinified… no one expected to be.

When you say Grasa, it's Cotnari

Grasa de Cotnari dry vinified defines art in its various forms, being a challenge for connoisseurs. A wine that harmoniously embraces that unmistakably seductive scent.

A millenary variety

The Fetească Neagră seeds found in the amphora of the Neolithic period encouraged us to replant it. The one present today, dry vinified, our ancestors would like to taste it!

Discover the wine

We define the pure Romanian spirit with passion, giving the taster a rare aromatic complexity.


The magic of culinary preparations that harmoniously embraces our wine.


Revies written by lovers of the #PureRomanian wine